viernes, 7 de diciembre de 2007


Till now I can write what ever I want ... yeah!!
First I want to say something about me;
I was born in Mexico city on June 16 1988, yes in Mexico!, and my mother tongue is spanish obviously but I want to write in english because more people can understand , maybe I dont do this very good or my grammar is not the best but I promise to improve my english soon, I have the idea of taking lessons in the CELE in January 2008 so maybe you can see my improvement. Now Im 19 years old and Im studying Mechatronic Engineering in the best College in Mexico, yeah Im not kidding , Im talking about UNAM . To get in this college I had to study hard because the exam is not easy, I did 105 points of 120 in the exam and I was so lucky to be accepted. Now I finished the first semester, but not in the best way and I want to repeat 3 subjects because I want a better note, But the carreer is amazing.
I love to play drums, thats my number one hobbie. Ive been playing for a year and 4 months but I dont have the chance to take lessons, well at the first I took like 5 lessons with a personal teacher but after that I was learning with videos and books, but I have the intention to Improve and take lessons in G. Martell (college of music), but I have to find a way to pay for this because is little expensive for me now.
The basic:
I dont have girlfriend yet, I like music (Rock , Pop, are the most but I like all kinds.), I like movies (Catch me if you can, The notebook, Butterfly effect, etc.), sometimes I like to read (Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach was the last I read.) , and play soccer !!! (since kid I play soccer).
This is me in general ,I hope you can enjoy my blog.